Manual Mapinfo Full Indonesia
MapInfo location intelligence enables you to answer a fundamental, yet complex question faced by nearly all organizations: Where? It's a critical factor in countless strategic and operational decisions in business and the public sector. Associating your organizational data with location is the foundation for making critical decisions that improve performance.
Manual penggunaan mapinfo dari tingkat dasar dalam bahasa indonesia sebanyak 233 halaman.
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This software is designed for visual authoring of GPS-maps in various proprietary cartographic formats:
* Garmin MapSource,
* Polish format (input files for cGPSmapper.exe),
* ALAN Map 500/600,
* Holux,
* Navitel Navigator (Pocket PC navigation software)
Platform: MS Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, Vista.
GUI language: English.
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Open Source GIS
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Berikut saya coba menyajikan list program GIS Open Source. Software GIS gratis yang saya review ini adalah yang menyediakan data creation, editing dan analysis kompleks/sederhana atau export ke format file lainnya. Review ini juga tidak menyertakan GIS program yang spesific pada aplikasi tertentu dan bukan pada penggunaan GIS secara umum atau program GIS yang digunakan untuk analisis tertentu.
ArcGIS Explorer/Google Earth/Worldwind tidak disertakan dalam review dan juga kategori Geostatistical software dan image analysis software (aerial and satellite dikarenakan alasan diatas. Review ini menggunakan urutan abjad, bukan berdasarkan keunggulan atau kelemahan dari program GIS Open Source tersebut.
(additional functionality available for purchase)
Platform: Windows
Last update: 2007
• Real-time projection (both vector and raster)
• Support for ECW raster layers
• Support for JPEG 2000 layers
• Support for PNG layers
• Legend grouping - will support groups within groups
• Dynamically show and hide whole or partial themes via legend
• Edit multiple layers at the same time
• No longer restricted to editing a single feature
• Can modify attribute information in either identification window and attribute table
• Incorporates a structure editor
• Supports Undo/Redo
• Can update X,Y attribute columns for point layers
• Copy & Paste multiple attributes
• Can dynamically add/remove fields while in edit mode
• Sorting in attribute table
• Reorder attribute column names
• No longer restricted to a single attribute table
• Enhanced calculation capabilities
• Enhanced statistical evaluation
• Multiple map support
• Hotspots
• Dockable components
• Identification window shows differences between current and previously identified feature
• Attribute data types are differentiated in attribute table & identification window
• Built in script capability
• Built in vector layer checker
• Spatial index supports null geometries
• Anti-alias support
• Cropping of features to ensure that labels are visible when zoomed in
• Managed spatial and attribute indexes
• Enhanced database relates
• Spatial Relate
• Merge multiple layers into one
• Halo effect for label themes
• Integrate remote data with Web Mapping Service (WMS)
Platform: Windows
Last update: 2006? Updates unlikely
Feature list:
• Grid manipulation (calculator, aggregate, neighborhoods)
• Point to grid/polygon/point analysis
• Projection of lat/lon data
• Analysis of molecular data
• Export/import of grid and shapefile data
• Spatial autocorrelation
• Histograms and scattergrams of gridfiles
• Visualization of satellite images
• Multiple regression with grids
• Import data from GPS (as points, lines, or polygons)
• Climate envelope modeling
• Prediction of crop adaptation (Ecocrop)
• Draw Shapefiles
• Polygons to grid transformation
• … and even more
Platform: Windows,Linux
Last update: 2007
Forestry GIS (fGIS)
Platform: Windows
Last update: 2005; further updates unlikely
• Open and view geo-referenced raster images including digital orthophotos and topographic maps in MrSID®, ECW, BIL, ADF, JPG, TIFF, GeoTIFF, BMP, IMG, JPEG2000, PNG and SDTS file formats.
• Open and view vector data in ESRI® shapefile (SHP) and e00 files, AutoCAD DXF™, MapInfo® MIF, Microstation® DGN, DLG-O, TIGER2000/line, GML/XML, SDTS and TatukGIS SQL (ttkls) file formats. An advanced R-Tree index system allows easy viewing of large (100+ MB) data files.
• Create and edit point, line and area shapefile objects and their associated data attribute tables. fGIS also edits and writes MIF, DXF, DLG & GML vector layers.
• Buffer point, line or area objects at any designated radius or width.
• Generate Cruise Points. Select an area object and fill it with either a random or ordered grid.
• Design maps with pre-defined layer symbology, or use advanced layer properties to define your own.
• Copy and paste shapefile objects from one layer to another.
• Designate the direction and distance of the next leg of a line or polygon with the COGO-like Traverse Tool. Directions can be entered in decimal degrees or degrees-minutes-seconds (handy for plotting deeds or laying out a field data collection route).
• Split a polygon or line (including GPS tracks) into separate units by drawing a line with the Split Shapes Tool.
• Clip Shapefiles to the boundaries of a polygon layer.
• Merge multiple shapefiles into a new one.
• Customize map properties including line width and color, area fills, label fonts and positions, image transparency, thematic rendering of data and more.
• Measure areas and distances. fGIS reports distances and areas in English units (feet, miles and acres) and metric units. Area and perimeter measurement fields can be added to data tables and updated automatically.
• Display data at user-specified scales.
• View maps in 3D.
• Map live GPS positions from any connected GPS unit with NMEA output (beta).
• Extract geo-referenced images of selected portions of a screen display.
• Export part of a vector layer and save it as a new file.
• Manage large data sets organized in dBase tables with the “Load Library Layer” utility.
• Join dBase and Access tables to shapefile attribute tables.
• Create point shapefiles from comma delimited text files with x|y coordinates.
• Convert Geographic WGS84 coordinate shapefiles to and from worldwide UTM zones and Wisconsin Transverse Mercator.
• Print the map with three flexible output options. The Simple Print command will add a map title, subtitle, footer and the scale to the page. The Send Map to Word command will send an image of the view at a user specified resolution and scale to Microsoft® Word. A third option through the Export Image tool will send the map to a technical illustration/page layout module called Diagram Designer. You can add headers, legends, annotations and non-spatial symbols from template palettes in the Diagram Designer module.
• Save WMF files for use in publishing programs.
Platform: Windows (Cygwin and native), Linux, Macintosh
Last update: 2008
GRASS sebenarnya adalah program GIS Open Source yang powerful, namun Graphic User Interface-nya tidak menarik, masih menggunakan command-line; hampir seluruh proses menggunakan data grid, walaupun juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengolah data. JGrass sendiri adalah multi-platform Java-based version dari GRASS, saat ini hanya fokus pada penggunaan untuk analisis hidrologi dan geomorfologi.
Platform: Windows, Linux, Macintosh
Last update: 2008
Menggunaakan JUMP Platform sebagai sourcenya. Memiliki kemampuan vector editing layaknya ArcView GIS 3.x. Saya sendiri berencana membuat modul gvSIG yang sedianya akan bisa di unduh gratis di blog ini. Doakan saya ada waktu dan tenaga ya…
Platform: Windows, Linux
Last update: 2004?
A GIS for “estimation and analysis of hydrological, climatic and geomorphological variables”.
• Display of maps in raster and vectorial formats.
• Tools of processing and analysis of Digital Terrain Models (DTM).
• Automatic extraction of drainage networks and river basins.
• Tools for geomorphological analysis of river networks.
• Topologic and Geometric Width Function of river networks.
• Horton Analysis of river networks.
• Generalized Horton Analysis (Simple scaling of network properties).
• Network links analysis (Length, area, slope, etc) including xy-plots for link properties (e.g. Hack’s Law).
• Rainfall- Runoff Model : Distributed Hydrological tank model that works with rainfall time series, for making estimations of discharge in any point of the basin.
• Land-stability model : Works in conjunction with the rainfall-runoff model. It computes security factors in the hillslope, after a storm event.
• Water quality model : Computes pollution transport along a river network ( One Dimensional Transport Equation) .
• Hydrological balances, estimation of maximum discharges and minimum discharges in river basins from maps of climatic variables.
• Erosion in river basins.
• Extraction of terrain and river profiles.
• HidroSIG is able to store time series of any variable in a MySQL database.(e.g. Climatic stations)
• For the study of the statistical properties time series, HidroSIG has a module called ANSET that makes Homogeneity tests for time series. It also detects outliers by different methods..
• Search for information of hydro climatic stations using SQL queries .Display of information of hydro climatic stations.
• Map´s histograms.
• Modification of raster maps.
• Tools for creation of vectorial files.
• Conversion from vectorial maps to raster maps.
• Three-dimensional display of maps.
• Map´s calculator.
• Interpolation of raster maps.
• Import of raster maps from formats:
- Arcview ASCII
- Nasa SRTM
- Idrisi (r)
- Surfer GRID (Ascii)
• Import of vectorial maps in AutoCAD DXF format .
• Import of vectorial maps ESRI Shapefile format.
• Export of raster maps in format ArcView ASCII.
• Module of remote sensors for classification of Landsat and spot images.
• Architecture Client/server of the Information.
• Connection to a remote database.
• Customized Colors palette.
• Multilanguage (Spanish/English).
• 100% made in JAVA.
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ER Mapper Professional
ER Mapper Professional is a powerful, yet simple to use, geospatial imagery processing application. ER Mapper Professional enhances your geographic data to make it more meaningful. It allows you to extract quantitative information and solve problems.
Dynamic image processing Leverage the full value of your imagery assets with ER Mapper Professional's extensive range of image processing functions. Visualize your imagery with multiple image enhancements. Prepare images for use in other applications. Use enhanced imagery in your GIS, CAD, desktop or server applications.
![geospatial images](
Wizard based processing
Perform powerful processing functions at the click of a button without having to be an image processing genius! You can hit the ground running.
Mosaic your image tiles
Create city, state or country wide mosaics from your image tiles. You can view the entire area of interest in one file. Storing your image datasets will be a breeze.
Unlimited JPEG 2000 and ECW compression
Use ECW compression to shrink the size of your imagery datasets to just 5% of their original size, whilst still retaining the original visual quality.
JPEG 2000 compression lets you compress your imagery to 25% of the original size whilst keeping the underlying spatial data mathematically identical to the original data.
Smaller, compressed images are faster to access in your desktop applications. No more time wasting while your imagery loads in your software!
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ECW for MapInfo
Ecw Compressor merupakan software untuk kompresi data raster hingga 10% nya, contoh image raster ikonos 200Mb menjadi 20Mb dengan kualitas yang tetap sama. Untuk membuka file format *.ecw harus di install terlebih dahulu MapImagery.
ECW for MapInfo is a raster handler plugin for MapInfo Professional and MapX, developed by MapImagery, which enables these products to read ECW, compressed images.
ECW is a wavelet compression standard developed by Earth Resource Mapping that provides high quality image compression. Many data and software vendors are adopting ECW as their standard image compression technique.
In addition to local, or network server ECW files, ECW for MapInfo allows you to display Image Web Server images from Internet or Intranet servers.
ECW for MapInfo is distributed in 2 different ways. As part of MapImagery, a MapInfo Professional image analysis plugin, from MapImagery Limited. And as a stand-alone product, which is included on the MapInfo Professional and MapX CDROMs, under utilities.
MapImagery has a free version, and a low cost commercial version with extra features. Both the free and commercial versions have some GUI features making it easier to work with ECW images. Both versions can be downloaded from the MapImagery web page.
Download and Install
The ECW for MapInfo is distributed as a self extracting executable archive. To install ECW for MapInfo under Windows 95 or Windows NT (or later) perform the following steps:
Make sure you have MapInfo Professional 5.0 or later installed on your PC.
Unless you have a very good reason, it is better to download the MapImagery self extracting archive, rather than the ECW for MapInfo one, as MapImagery is a superset of ECW for MapInfo , providing a useful GUI for working with ECW images..
Download the latest MapImagery self extracting distribution file from MapImagery Download (6 megabytes). If you just want ECW for MapInfo, this is available as a separate download, as well as being part of MapImagery from here ECW for MapInfo Download (1.18 megabytes). Note that the version numbers on these download archives relate to the internal version numbering of MapImagery products, and not to MapInfo version numbers.
Run the downloaded file by typing its name at a dos prompt, or double clicking on its icon in a file manager. After unzipping the files, the installation program will run, and will guide you through the installation process.
Follow the setup program instructions. You will be asked for the location of your MapInfo software (for example, C:\MAPINFO) and for the location to install MapImagery
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MapImagery and MapImagery Professional
MapImagery merupakan software Plugin yang terinstall pada Mapinfo untuk membuka format file Raster.
MapImagery is a free plugin for MapInfo users that provides tools making it easier to use imagery within MapInfo Professional. MapImagery supports a wide range of raster image formats and makes it simpler to use these formats within MapInfo Professional by automatically extracting registration information, where this is available.
MapImagery has strong support for working with ECW compressed images and Image Web Server URL images. In addition, MapImagery enables ER Mapper algorithms, prepared via ER Mapper or MapImagery Professional, to be displayed, and integrated with vector information, within MapInfo Professional.
MapImagery Professional is an upgrade to MapImagery, that provides an advanced set of raster tools, usually only available in high cost dedicated image processing products. MapImagery Professional can be used for preparing, adjusting and enhancing imagery, for use within MapInfo Professional based applications.
The additional features of MapImagery Professional can be activated via the entry of a software key, which can be purchased from the MapImagery web site or from Earth Resource Mapping.
Both MapImagery and MapImagery Professional use proven ER Mapper technology as a basis, so you can depend on their quality and strength. What this also provides is an upgrade path for power users, to the leading professional imaging product, ER Mapper.
Compatibility with a whole range of free imaging plug-ins also makes it simple to integrate MapImagery and MapImagery Professional into your organization wide GIS strategy
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ErMapper Plugin ArcView 3.x
Plugin ini merupakan extension tambahan untuk software ArcView agar dapat membuka format file raster seperti halnya MapImagery pada mapinfo.
Earth Resource Mapping announced today the latest release of the free ECW plugin for ArcGIS® 8.1, 8.1.2 and 8.2. The plug-in allows greater productivity in the ArcGIS® environment by adding support for ECW, URL, ALG and ERS image formats. It also includes the 500MB (not 50MB) ECW compressor utility for free.
The most significant new features and improvements for this release are:
· Significant improvement in the display\process speed of imagery. ECW is now easily the fastest and most efficient format for compressed large imagery in the ArcGIS® Desktop environment.
· The ability to add remote ECW imagery to your project served by the Image Web Server. This functionality is a key feature of the ArcView® 3.x plug-in, and is now available in ArcGIS® environment.
· The addition of ER Mapper''s ALG and ERS formats. No longer are ER Mapper users and their clients restricted to ArcView 3.x plug-in for their GIS projects. Also, virtual datasets (e.g. ERS->TIFF) can now be added to your projects.
· New toolbar and commands provide a user-friendly interface, access to plug-in features and customisation of workspace. Some of the commands on the toolbar include, add remote ECW, launch ECW compressor, plug-in options, access to help documentation and about dialog.
· Better integration with ECW compressor. The ECW compressor can be accessed via command or export menu "Raster to ECW…". As the compressor is a separate process, compression tasks can be carried out without restricting workflow in the ArcGIS® environment. Other advantages include robustness and the ability for compression to continue while ArcGIS® is closed.
· Comprehensive help documentation with illustrations provides a useful resource for new users or who want to get the most from the plug-in.
Stuart Nixon CEO and Founder of Earth Resource Mapping said "This latest release of the free ECW plugin for ArcIMS confirms our continued support for GIS users. The ability to use images stored remotely on an Image Web Server adds an exciting capability to the ECW plugin for ArcIMS®." Mr Nixon went on to note that ECW has become widely used by ArcView® and ArcGIS® users because of its speed and the free 500MB ECW Compressor.
To download the free ECW plugin for ArcGIS® 8.1, 8.1.2 and 8.2, visit
About Earth Resource Mapping
Earth Resource Mapping is the world''s leading image handling and integrated mapping software company. Clients in more than 120 countries use ER Mapper to prepare imagery, ECW to compress and use imagery, and the Image Web Server to serve imagery over the Internet.
About ESRI®
ESRI®, ArcGIS®, ArcView®, and ArcInfo® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. This announcement of ECW plugins by Earth Resource Mapping for ESRI® products does not imply an endorsement of the plugins by ESRI®.
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Modul ArcVIew 3.x (Bhs Indonesia)
Bagi para pengguna produk esri, sebelum lahirnya ArcGis 9.2 yang begitu lengkap akan feature nya sebelumnya esri merilis terlebih dulu ArcView 3.0, ArcView 3.1, ArcView 3.2 hingga terakhir ArcView 3.3.
With ArcView you can
- Integrate and share data across your organization.
- Work with your data geographically—seeing undetected patterns, revealing hidden trends and distributions, and gaining new insights.
- Map customer and competitor site locations.
- Understand relationships between the forces that drive your business, and make better decisions to solve business problems faster and smarter.
- Publish intelligent maps and create interactive map presentations by linking charts, tables, drawings, photographs, and other files.
- Develop custom tools, interfaces, and complete applications.
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Global Mapper 9.0
Global Mapper is more than just a viewer capable of displaying the most popular raster, elevation and vector datasets. It converts, edits, prints, tracks GPS and allows you to utilize GIS functionality on your datasets in one low-cost and easy-to-use software package.
Global Mapper also includes the ability to directly access multiple online sources of imagery, topographic maps, and gridded terrain data. This includes access to worldwide high resolution color imagery from DigitalGlobe (watermarked access for free) and access to the entire TerraServer-USA database of USGS satellite imagery and topographic maps free-of-charge. Global Mapper also has the ability to easily access WMS data sources, including built-in access to elevation data and color imagery for the entire world, and to view elevation data in true 3D with any loaded raster imagery and vector data draped on top of it!
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mapobject exercise
Contoh - contoh source code aplikasi menggunakan engine MapObject (esri)
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![ESRI Technology Trends](
In the future releases of ArcGIS, ESRI will introduce the results of many ongoing development themes including
* Cartography Trends in GIS—Improving GIS desktop applications through additional cartographic mapping, analysis, and editing tools and providing user-driven usability enhancements
* Server GIS Trends—Evolving a robust server GIS platform to deliver comprehensive geographic information services through a wide variety of clients and client platforms
* Mobile GIS Trends—Advancing mobile GIS via wireless technology to make organizations and their mobile workforce more efficient and productive.
ESRI has been involved in the application of geographic information since it was founded in 1969 as a private consulting firm specializing in land use analysis projects. In the 1980s, ESRI evolved to devote its resources to developing and applying GIS software and has since become the largest research and development organization dedicated to GIS.
ESRI and GIS have grown from solving relatively simple tasks with simple building blocks—points, lines, and polygons—to solving complex tasks with enhanced data models.
ESRI will continue to evolve GIS technology to serve a broad range of user needs and communities.
Peta Dasar Jalan
* Format : tab (Mapinfo file)
* Sistem koordinat : Lintang/Bujur
* Datum : Wgs'84
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Peta Dasar Sungai
Deskripsi Peta Dasar Sungai :
* Format : tab (Mapinfo file)
* Sistem koordinat : Lintang/Bujur
* Datum : Wgs'84
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Peta Dasar Desa
Deskripsi Peta Dasar Desa :
* Format : tab (Mapinfo file)
* Sistem koordinat : Lintang/Bujur
* Datum : Wgs'84
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Desa1 | Desa2 | Desa3 | Desa4 | Desa5 | Desa6
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Peta Dasar Kecamatan
- Format : tab (Mapinfo file)
- Sistem koordinat : Lintang/Bujur
- Datum : Wgs'84
Kec1 | Kec2 | Kec3 | Kec4 | Kec5 | Kec6
Peta Dasar Kabupaten
Deskrpsi Peta Dasar Kabupaten
- Format : tab (Mapindo file)
- Sistem koordinat : Lintang /Bujur
- Datum : Wgs'84
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Peta Dasar Bathimetri
- format : tab (mapinfo file)
- sistem koordinat : Lintang, Bujur
- Datum : Wgs'84
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Tutorial Gis
Ini ada software tutorial tentang GIS, biar kecil kecil tapi ma'nyoss
membahas dari definisi, konsep, peta, sistim proyeksi, data, software
semoga bermanfaat
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- Manual Mapinfo Full Indonesia
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- ER Mapper Professional
- ECW for MapInfo
- MapImagery and MapImagery Professional
- ErMapper Plugin ArcView 3.x
- Modul ArcVIew 3.x (Bhs Indonesia)
- Global Mapper 9.0
- mapobject exercise
- esri
- Peta Dasar Jalan
- Peta Dasar Sungai
- Peta Dasar Desa
- Peta Dasar Kecamatan
- Peta Dasar Kabupaten
- Peta Dasar Bathimetri
- Tutorial Gis